Here is some new and some old news, I thought that I will just leave them here cause of the very much interesting links. Please enjoy while you are reading the global news also of the sites that is offered here for to read more about this matter! If you like to preserve our nature and want your grandchildren or children enjoy of the life and what it has to offer us in a more clean and preserved enviroment, please help us by eg. clicking every day to save a piece of the very precious rainforests and also the endangered species of animals and plants. Hugs*Dreamer aka Sirpa
Global Village News &
Issue #53, December 30, 2002
Headline Stories
· University for Global Well-Being Teaches Futuristic World View
· Havana Bay Eco Cleanup Welcomes Return Of Fish & Fowl
· Holistic Approach Treats Patient, Not Illness
Global Resources
· Auroville (India)
· Wilson's Almanac Planetary Links Directory
· Planet Organic
· Dire Gnosis
· Financial Sense Online
· International Society for the Systems Sciences
Guest Editorial
Remembering Philip Berrigan
Johann Christoph Arnold
Letters To The Editor
We welcome your comments and feedback.. Please limit comments to 150 words. We
reserve the right to edit letters which are longer than this.
· Shulamit from Israel
· Michael Levy from Florida, USA
· Thomas Paine from Pennsylvania, USA
In The News…
University for Global Well-Being Teaches Futuristic
World View
Sweden - The University for Global Well-Being (UGWB) was started in
September 1998 as an alternative to conventional universities. The idea was to
provide a place to study and, as far as possible, to experience the new world
view which is emerging to replace the world view which currently dominates
western-style civilisation. The emerging worldview is holistic instead of
reductionist, ecological instead of exploitative, and advocates spiritual values
in place of consumer values.
For complete article, click here:
Havana Bay Eco Cleanup Welcomes
Return Of Fish & Fowl
Cuba - Thanks to a cooperative endeavor between the United Nations
Development Project and the government of Cuba, fish and birds have are
returning to the once toxic Bay of Havana. While improvements have been made,
environmentalist do admit that much more remains to be done, particularly with
the highly contaminated Luyano River which empties into the bay.
For complete article, click here:
Holistic Approach Treats Patient, Not
United Kingdom - “Clover House has done more for me in 15 weeks
than the National Health Service did in 10 years.” This statement by one of
the Clover House clients is typical of the scores of testimonies the Bristol
based charity has received over the past several years. Take for example the
case of 11-year-old Stephen, whose bedwetting stopped after his first visit or
that of visiting therapist and cancer patient, Ian Gawler, who had been told my
medical professionals that he had only two weeks to live. That was over a year
ago. With the help of Clover House, he healed himself and now runs a therapy
centre in Australia. These are only two examples of the wide range of health
concerns that Clover House addresses. Others have included severe cerebral
palsy, behavioural problems, asthma, toddler constipation or emotional stress.
For complete article, click here:
Global Resources
Websites devoted to Positive Planetary Transformation
Community Living
Auroville (India)
Auroville belongs to nobody in particular. auroville belongs to humanity as
a whole. but to live in Auroville , one must be the willing servitor of the
Divine Consciousness... Auroville is a place of unending education, of constant
progress and a youth that never ages. Auroville wants to be a bridge between the
past and the future. Taking advantage of all discoveries from without and
within. Auroville will boldly spring towards future realizastions. Auroville
will be a site of material and spiritual researches for a living embodiment of
an actual Human Unity.
Wilson's Almanac Planetary Links Directory
Links to websites related to global and personal change and healing. Themes
include alternatives; New Age; pagan and other festivals; celebrities'
birthdays, daily inspiration and much more.
Ecology & Environment
Planet Organic
Permaculture, Low-impact Agriculture & Natural ecology training.
Dire Gnosis
A Database on the Year 2012 with prophecies and predictions from spiritual
traditions from all over the world.
Personal Finances
Financial Sense Online
Uncommon News For the Wise Investor. We are committed, through conservative
wealth management, to assist investors in achieving their financial goals while
striving to make investing a growing education that serves to enhance knowledge
and understanding of how wealth is built, maintained, and preserved.
Science & Technology
International Society for the Systems Sciences
Philosophy, Holism and the Paranormal
Guest Editorial
Remembering Philip Berrigan
A great peacemaker leaves us with a challenge
Johann Christoph Arnold
Whenever Phil Berrigan was hauled off to jail for his latest act of civil
disobedience-and it happened again and again, long after others had left the
Sixties behind and returned to middle-class life -admirers across the country
took heart. Here, they would say, is a man who stands by his convictions.
Others, including many who supported Phil's aims (though not his methods) raised
their eyebrows and sighed. Ineffective, they murmured. Idealistic. Out of touch.
Phil, who was good at defending himself, always had a comeback. But he was also
humble enough to admit that to most people, "my actions over the years have
constituted a theater of the absurd."
It was in the fall of 1997, and I was visiting him in a prison in Maine, where
he had been arrested after leading an anti-war event at a naval shipyard. He was
sure to face a hefty sentence, he told me. But, he added pointedly, he would
rather spend the rest of his life in prison for his beliefs, than die "on
some beach." He was seventy-four at the time, yet he spoke with such vigor
that he seemed far younger.
Phil and I talked about peace, and about Jonah House, the community he and his
wife, Liz McAlister, founded in Baltimore in 1973. Devoted to resisting
capitalism and war, its members have been performing "works of mercy"
in the inner city for years, feeding the hungry, helping the homeless to find
shelter, and caring for elderly shut-ins and people with AIDS.
Like members of the Bruderhof (the community I belong to), Jonah House members
have abandoned the accepted path to middle-class happiness-the route of private
homes and property, careers, bank accounts, and retirement funds-in order to
follow Christ in the manner of the first churches. It is a life of sacrifice and
self-discipline and service-not peace, as the world thinks of it. By most
standards, it is completely "unrealistic."
But what is peace? Surely it can't be prosperity--a house in the suburbs, a good
job, a car, and a retirement fund-when our enjoyment of those things is
dependent on the exploitation of the Third World. Surely it can't be national
security, which (at least in the case of the United States) has been bought by
means of the largest and most destructive war-making machine in history.
And surely "reality" does not have to mean a world bristling with
weapons, class hatreds, personal grievances, and general cynicism. For isn't
there a greater reality, where all these powers are overcome?
Phil is gone now, but I suspect his answer would have been "Yes." And
I am certain that would affirm these words of his wife, who wrote (around the
time of my visit):
"Our hope is in God. And God's vision - more, God's promise - of a humane
and just society is a promise on which we can bet our lives. But none of us can
be content until this promise is a reality for all people and for all the earth.
So we stake our lives on the vision of Isaiah, the day to come when people will
beat swords into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks."
Down through the centuries, countless men and women have longed for this day,
and so do millions in our time. In fact, I believe every human does. Call it
what you like-harmony, serenity, wholeness, soundness of mind-the yearning for
it exists somewhere in every soul. According to the Old Testament, creation
itself groans for it.
Obviously, peace cannot just be had or bought. It is rare enough in public and
political life, and even in personal life, backbiting, hypocrisy, jealousy and
divisiveness often prevent it from taking root. And these powers cannot just be
ignored or avoided. They must be battled head on.
But this should not frighten us. If Christ's life serves as example (and it
should, for those of us who claim to follow him), his peace is not so much the
result of detachment or meditation or prayer than the fruit of hard struggle and
agonized striving. For him, peace cost a terrible conflict, followed by
voluntary submission to the most harrowing act of self-sacrifice imaginable:
death on a cross.
Many of us who call ourselves Christians today have forgotten this, if not
willfully blinded ourselves to it. Yes, we want peace, but we want it on our own
terms. Phil was one who did not. And he not only accepted the suffering that
came his way in life (which is already more than many people do), but embraced
it. He knew the truth of Jesus' words, "Whoever wants to save his life will
lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it."
A few weeks after I visited Phil, he was sentenced to two years in prison.
Shortly after, Liz sent him the following letter:
"...It isn't fair - that at seventy-three you are looking for the umpteenth
time at a jail sentence for justice' sake and for peace. And that you face it
without even a hearing in the court. But what else can we expect when millions
are in prisons around our world, so many of them under torture, starving,
disappeared, their loved ones bereft?
"It isn't fair - we can't enjoy the home we built together; admire, as they
bloom, the roses we transplanted; eat the fruits we've nurtured; take pride in
the children we've raised. But what else can we expect when millions are
homeless, millions more are refugees of war, famine, repression - their souls
too dazed by weariness and fear to see the beauty around them; their hopes and
hearts so broken by the daily dying of their children...?
"It isn't fair - we can't celebrate Frida's and Jerry's college graduations
together. They long for you to be with them and partake in their pride,
accomplishments, new beginnings. They long for your wisdom, your heart, your
presence in this new phase in their lives. But what else can we expect when for
the vast majority of kids a college education, a loving family, a caring
community isn't even the stuff of dreams, victims as they are of the decrepit
institutions that pass for public education, victims too of the futurelessness
that is the great society's legacy to them?
"It isn't fair - we can't guide Kate together as she looks to high school
graduation and beyond, as she becomes a young woman...
"It isn't fair - the community you've worked all these years to build and
rebuild is without you, the prayer and work and dreaming and laughter devoid of
your gifts and vision and grace. But what else can we expect when community of
any sort is suspect, a threat, an aberration, when the silence is almost
complete, when people are cowed, bought off, distracted, participants in their
own extinction...?"
This separation was not the first, nor would it be the last. All in all, Phil
spent eleven years behind bars. They were long, hard, lonely years. But, as
Liz's letter makes clear, the couple saw them as a necessary sacrifice on the
road to true and lasting peace-a goal best described here by Phil himself:
"It is that peace where domination is no more, where injustice is undone,
where violence is a relic of the past, where swords have disappeared and
plowshares are abundant. It is the peace where all people are treated as sisters
and brothers, with respect and dignity, where each life is sacred, and where
there is a future for the children. It is such a world that God calls us all to
help make a reality.
"In our country this can mean going to jail, risking reputation, job, or
income, and even being disowned by family or friends. Yet, in a state which
daily prepares for nuclear holocaust, it also means freedom, a sense of self and
vocation, and a whole new community of friends and family. In fact, it means
Today, as the world again rushes toward war, Phil's name is being mentioned
mostly in connection with his death. In some quarters his passing has been
spoken of as the end of an era. But why should that be so? The struggle for
justice and peace to which Phil gave his life will go on, regardless. And thus
we must do more than reflect on the man. We must allow his convictions to
rekindle our own.
Johann Christoph Arnold is an author and a senior minister with the Bruderhof
movement. Read more of his articles at
Letters To The Editor
From Israel
Dear Michael,
I am so sad that you published the guest Editorial by Dr. Mohamed Mosaad in
the December 2nd issue. It is so full of hate, anger, bigotry and worst of all,
anti-Semitism that is rampant in Europe at this time because of the Arab power
and Europeans being afraid of them. Does Global Village News really hold these
views? Cannot you send messages with a more balanced view? One full of love and
hope? There are other, more loving ways to give practical advice. Why do you
think that publishing something so extreme is the answer to the extremism in
some parts of our world. I beg you, please hold on to the light. Do not allow
yourselves to be pulled down into the abyss within which some unenlightened
people live and can influence those who are unprotected. In love and light,
From USA/ Florida
Dear Michael
Re Dr Mosaad's article where he accurately states;"just tell the
truth!" So, what is the truth and how can the ordinary "guy in the
street" make a difference in the way their country is governed. Apart from
a few fanatical segments of world society, most folks do want to live in peace
and harmony and raise their children in a world that is filled with creative
beauty......For that is the purpose human beings are on earth....To co-create in
a materialistic world of Love and Joy from the spiritual essence of Divine
Devotion and Joy. Wars conducted by festering hatred is not an acceptable answer
in today's world. The only answer is to educate people to live a truthful life,
free from negative conditioning and we must start in our own backyard with
authentic wisdom and true love. By bridging the gaps between science and
religion we will find the truth. If not, humanity will just become dust.......
blowing in a nuclear wind. In Love & Joy., Michael Levy:
From USA/ Pennsylvania
Dear Michael,
Thank you for publishing the excellent article by Dr. Mohamed Mosaad from Cairo,
Egypt. It is very refreshing to see thoughtful and introspective individuals who
are willing to call into question the actions & hypocrisy of their own
leaders. As Mosaad so rightly points out, if passionate Islamists really want to
commit themselves to shaheed (martyrdom), all they have to do is to stand up and
speak the truth against the corruption and injustices in their own country. I
might add, that the same is also true here in the USA, especially now that we
seem to be rapidly moving away from the principles of our founding fathers and
being asked to goosestep to the new tune of the Bush Gestapo. Tom Paine,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania:
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Network 2012
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Global Village News &
Issue # 23 - September 17, 2001
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The Global Village News & Resources and other projects of Network 2012 are made possible by your tax-deductible donations. Contributions may be sent to PO Box 18909, Asheville, NC. 28814, USA. For information about contributing via credit card, pay pal or bank transfers, contact Michael Lightweaver at
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Guest Editorial:
The Deeper Wound,
by Deepak Chopra
Reflections on September 11th
Click Here...
To post a prayer on the Prayer Circle Discussion Board: click , click Prayer/Message Boards, and post a prayer.
Deepak would love to hear your feedback
And A Little Child Shall Lead Them,,,
Jerusalem - In bitterly divided Jerusalem, children - half of them Jewish, half Palestinian -- once likely to be enemies, are now becoming fast-friends. Shareen, a 14-year-old Palestinian, looks after her 10-year-old Jewish friend, Marie, like a protective big sister. Shareen: "When you think politics, you think 'Oh, I hate the enemy.' But when you actually get to know the people, you get to know the other side. It's a totally different thing." Aron, who is Jewish, spends afternoons at Abdullah's house in a Palestinian neighborhood, while their mothers talk over coffee "like two friends, two sisters."
For Full Story, Click Here:
Denmark & Vietnam Team Up For People Power
Vietnam - Thanks to an $8.7 million dollar initiative by Denmark, the people of Vietnam now have a free lawyer in every post office. "Your Lawyer" is a new CD-ROM created in Vietnam which covers more than 1,300 specific questions regarding Vietnamese laws and citizens' right. In simple language it covers such things as how to start a business, how to protect your land rights and how to get a divorce.
For Full Story, Click Here:
Scientist Rediscover the Healing Power Of Nature
USA - "Nature is the best medicine," wrote the ancient Greek philosopher Hippocrates in 400 B.C. Today, in our urbanized and denatured world, there's added meaning to the famous quote, says Dr. Howard Frumkin, a professor of occupational and environmental medicine at Emory University's Rollins School of Public Health in Atlanta. "If we put ourselves in beautiful natural places," he says, "we may find that we feel better and that certain diseases even run their course faster."
For Full Story, Click Here:
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