Angels Watching

Angels watching over me
Far and near as the eye can see
Ever since I was a young babe
Just starting out on this journey called life
Angels have always looked out for me
In time of need or strife
Never alone do I handle times of trial
For the Angels walk with me
Beyond that extra mile
Nor do I fear what life has in store
With the Angels beside me
I shall fear no more
These Angels they come in many forms
Some are friends I have never met
Some are friends i'll never forget
Some are family which I hold dear
All are gracious and full of cheer
So when at times you're feeling down
Just know they're Angels all around

Tamatha Perkins Guthrie

Sisters In Friendship

From across the miles;
We join as one;
Sisters in friendship;
To never be undone
United in friendship
A special bond we share
A sister in need
Will always know we care

For we are siters
One and all
United in friendship
Never to fall

Tamatha Perkins Guthrie


Hi there =)) If you are a member of SCA and you are searching for your heart, then you've came to the right place if your name is Angel Mystiquea or amoungst friends as us ;)) Misty lol. Please save this Heart at your files, this is my gift to you *S* Huggies, Have fun and Good Luck =)) Ps.. Don't forget to sign the guestbook lololol

And your scrambled word for you to resolve and then send to me together with the URL from this page, asap is:


Wishing Well

Oh wishing well I ask of you
Please grant this one wish today
And i'll never ask anything else of you
Least not in this special way
For you see I have a friend
A very wonderful friend indeed
And oh wishing well I want to help her so
For this special friend is in need
So please if you have a moment
Just hear my wish tonight
Help me to help her get through this
And make everything alright
For you see this is what true friends do
When another is in need
And I know if it was ever I
She'd give her only wish to me

Tamatha Perkins Guthrie

These Poems are work of soul from Tam's, written with Love and I am letting you know them with personal permission of the Artist *Smiles*  You can go to her Poetrypages by this link below and read more of her Wonderful poetry. I Thank You Tam, from the bottom of my Heart that you are letting me expose them at these pages *S*

Tam's Adopties*S* cute ones



Pink Floral tubes are from Judy @ Graphics Galore
They are used with permission for both link ware commercial use.

Thank You Elain, I just Love This *S*

Big AngelHuggies to you too, Kirsten , Thank You *S*