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"We Don't Want Your War by Jynkz"

"Me emme tahdo sinun sotaasi, Jynkzin teos ja laulu"




Thank you Ingis, I am so very honored to have this your award exposed here where its should be *S* It is very beautiful. (((((((Huggies)))))))


More innocent lays with no signal of life,
more innocent victims, some soldiers wife's,
others are mothers, sisters or daughters
ending up their lives in a slaughter.
There was no reason that they should be killed
More people without no name, without a home
we just don't know what of this will become
No home to return too, no schools to educate!
Will they understand? only when it's to late!
Walls without an echo, walls without walls
just bare big holes in the ground,
holes with sand and mud


Dirty children, undrinkable water,
no medications, feverish illness
Splattered houses, exploded cars.
A pathetic doll with the arm wrapped out,
right beside a victim,
not even five yo....  without a doubt,
I cry silent tears, I cry out loud, I feel the fear!
I look at her, I realize, she has cried
marks of tears runs over the face
now dried by the wind, just hurting my heart.

Black shiny hair in a mess of blood
the suffer was silent before life was gone,
She was alone, no Momma hold her in the arms!
Not a single prayer, just nesting her in the dark.


Angels of Freedom, Angels of Peace
innocent victim, innocent cry!
That could had been your daughter,
or your grandchild, would you be victorious,
feeling like a hero, by killing a child?

You listening to him, he who spoke,
no matter of laughter, it's not a joke

The hunger all over, never the less!
What is this life, what is this mess?
Death might rise, who got caught?
You told there will not be victims
of civil, by your thoughts,
but what I see is not I guess
a try of some peace or never the less

The reason is just one, but your commander
throw out the truth, it doesn't matter what happened
we will still follow our plans!


Are you a liar or a victim of circumstances?
No you can't be, you know what you do
You tell your people, rice up your hands
Pray to God, cause he is behind
You couldn't be more wrong
With my Belief this strong
surely I can teach you,

God want NO war!
More fights more need to kill
we just need a second that the world will stand still

Living out in the desert without water nor food
more parents with children killed,
other just dry out of thirst
more children with parents killed!
More illness and hunger,
more tears and piles of stone!

We never ask to fight for us!!!!
Who told you to fight for the world, for to save us?
We don't need that, we just need
PLEASE! Don't use that for an escuse!
Your excuses are running out, you don't have a reazon
But the black one, named

Author: Me, Dreamer

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Lisää viattomia makaa elottomina,
lisää viattomia uhreja, jotkut sotilaitten vaimoja
toiset äitejä, siskoja tai tyttäriä
elämän päätökseen lahtauksen kautta.
Ei löydy syytä niiden jouduttuaan tappolistalle
Lisää nimettömiä ihmisiä, kodittomina
me emme tiedä mihin tämä voisi johtaa
Ei kotia minne palata, ei kouluja missä oppia!
Ymmärtävätkö he? ainoastaan silloin kun on liian myöhäistä!
Kaiuttomia seiniä, seiniä ilman muureja
ainoastaan paljaita isoja aukkoja maassa
aukkoja jossa santaa ja mutaa

Likaisia lapsia, juomakelvotonta vettä,
ei lääkkeitä, kuumeisia tauteja
Hajotettuja taloja, räjäytettyjä autoja.
Hassu nukke jolla revitty käsivarsi,
aivan yhden uhrin vieressä,
ei edes viisi, ei epäilystäkään,
itken hiljaisia kyyneleitä, itken lujaa ja tunnen pelon!
Katson häntä, oivallan, hän on itkenyt
kyynelten juovat näkyy kasvoilla
nyt tuulen kuivettumana, satuttaen sydäntäni.

Mustat kiiltävät hiukset sekasotkuisena verestä
kärsimys oli hiljainen ennenkuin elämä siitä kaikkosi,
Hän oli aivan yksin, ei äitiä pitäen häntä sylissään!
Ei yksikään rukous, vain pimeyteen kietoutuen.
Vapauden Enkeli, Rauhan Enkeli
viaton uhri, viattoman itku!
Hän olisi voinut olla tyttäresi,
tai lapsenlapsesi, olisitko voitonriemuinen
tuntisitkos itsesi sankariksi, tappaen lapsen?

Sinä kuuntelet häntä, joka puhui,
ei ole naurun aihe, ei ole leikkiä

Nälkä jokapuolella, ei sen vähempää!
Mikä on tämä elämä, mikä on tämä sekasotku?
Kuolema nousee, kenet se vie?
Sinä sanoit, ei tule olemaan uhreja
viattomia, sinun ajatuksillasi
mutta mitä itse näen, arvaan
rauhan yritys tai ei koskaan sen vähempää

Syy on vain yksi, mutta komentajasi
sylki ulos totuuden, ei ole väliä miten käy
seuraamme silti suunnitelmiamme loppuun!

Oletko sinä valehtelija tai ympäristövaikutuksien uhri?
Ei et voi olla, sinähän tiedät mitä teet
Sinä kerrot kansallesi, nostakaa kätenne ylös
Rukoilkaa, koska Hän on tukenamme
Sinä et voisi olla enempää väärässä
Minun voimallisena uskollani
minä voisin varmasti opettaa sinulle,
Jumala EI halua sotaa!
Lisää taisteluja lisää tappamisen tarvetta
tarvitaan vain sekunti aikaa että mailma pysähtyy

Asustaa aavikolla ilman vettä ilman ruokaa
lisää vanhempia jolla kuolleita lapsia,
toiset vain kuolevat kuivuneina janoon
lisää lapsia jolla kuolleita vanhempia!
Lisää sairauksia ja nälkää.
lisää kyyneleitä ja kivikasoja!

Me emme koskaan pyytäneet taistelua puolestamme!!!!
Kuka pyysi sinut taistelemaan mailman puolesta,
pelastaaksesi meidät?
Me emme tarvitse sitä, me tarvitsemma vain
OLE KILTTI! Älä käytä sitä tekosyynä!
Sinun tekaistut syyt alkavat loppuunkulua, sinulla ei ole syytä
Muuta kuin se musta, nimeltään

Kirjoittanut: Minä itse, Uniolento!


This page here has very interesting reading:


News worth to read, more real than the most:





I can't believe what I am hearing right now at the TV, it's the 8th April and 3.07pm here. They just say that 1200 civilians has been killed in Bagdad and that the Aircrafts are bombing the whole time the town and lots of civilian areas at the city, Bagdad. They have bombed Hotel Palestine with a tank, where it's well known that reporters and media from all over the world are staying. There are several casualities who's are not Iraq people! Injured and dying journalists! Until today at least 6 journalists has died. This is getting really crazy, are they bombing cause those medias are friendly with Iraq and they want to have them down too? Incredible! This is too much, really too much! This has been condemned already as a Warcrime! My heart aches with this all, I feel terrible as we are unable to do a thing, just look at the destruction, the suffering childrens at the hospitals, and all other hurt people too. 

Baghdad claims 350 Iraqi civilians killed in war
Last Updated Thu, 27 Mar 2003 7:47:53

BAGHDAD - Iraq's health minister says 350 Iraqi civilians have been killed since the start of the U.S.-led war a week ago.

Umhid Medhat Mubarak told a media conference in Baghdad Thursday that the U.S. and Britain of deliberately targeted civilians in their invasion.

"Most of these martyrs and victims are children, women and elderly people who cannot afford to protect themselves," Mubarak told reporters.

Mubarak said 36 civilians were killed and 215 wounded in U.S. air strikes on Baghdad on Wednesday.

U.S. military officials denied targeting civilians and said it takes extraordinary measure to avoid civilian deaths.

A Web site that is using media reports to tally the number of Iraqi civilian deaths in the war puts the number at between 227 and 304.

Mubarak also told reporters that the U.S.-led forces prevented wounded Iraqis in Umm Qasr from receiving medical attention.

Written by CBC News Online staff

 Your soldiers say, that they are fighting their way to give freedom to the imprisoned and enslaved people! Do you really believe that the people there want to have that freedom for what they have to pay such a high price for? Do you sincerely believe that?
Day by day, missiles and bombs constantly killing their relatives and friends, day by day they've loose their hopes, those who believed that they could be freed by the coalition. Day by day there is more and more people turning their backs to the soldiers and to USA and UK, they "spit" on them when they see their child's loosing their life's slowly and suffering fall asleep in the eternity! Can you be sincere, look them straight in their eyes and tell them that what you are doing is right for them, that this will free them?? How can you, shame on you if you think so!! Yes you keep your promise very well I see, yes you free them from the dictator and imprisonment yes, you do that, but they are dying for that, that's the "Freedom" you are offering them, the freedom they have after they have leaved this living world!! That is the only true. I am not for the madman but as I see your leaders are equal madman's as he is, they are not at all better. Fight for freedom! "Bah" You have freedom and now you want to dominate the whole wide world thru the oilfields. Does it feel right, is that liberating, I can see one madman who wants to rule us all and for sure he is NOT Iraqi!! This war is not an issue to free people in Iraq, this war has another reason, another cause, what is masqueraded to be as a war of to give freedom. This war has been calculated and planned far away in the time back, this war is a question of POWER! Power to rule the markets of oil!  First by letting disarm the people that they wouldn't be able to defend themselves then attacking no matter what the opinion was in the whole planet, all people! Why, if there is a question to free them, why didn't the two rulers fight this by themselves, personally, just the two of them? There would not have been reason to make innocent victims, no kills, no soldiers who would loos their life's, yes why?  Cause that way there wouldn't be possible to take a country and it's oilfields!

So with all this your soldiers believe in what they do, they believe it's the right thing to do, cause they were instructed that it is so. It's not their fault that they are there fighting, they have to, there would be severe consequences if they would say "NO"! I am not going to fight that war!, even if they feel that would be right! They don't have the freedom of their own opinion to choose if they want to go in war or not! They were trained to do so and they must obey, even if they don't want or if they want! That's so in every country, they are trained to fight for it's country and they are nearly brainwashed when they do that!  

There is questions what I would love to have an answer too, that is IF you have one? A very simples question is: You are defending the act of war telling us that you do this to give freedom to the Iroquoian people, but constant air strikes, bombing with missiles into the towns, to public buildings, peoples homes killing civilians, could you please tell me cause I don't exactly understand, to "WHOM" are you giving the FREEDOM?  Soon there will no be left any who will enjoy the freedom, just injured people, dead men, women and children, poisoned water and no food, with this going on and on, can't you see the consequences of this? Can't you think that simples, what will happened with time or do you only think as your leader thinks? Are you not free to think for yourself, are you not free to express your opinion of this, so tell me, what is that kind of freedom? Where is the sense of all this?? Tell me if you can!

In these days of uncertainty and fear,
It is comforting to know you are always near.
You are ever listening for my call,
And you are there to catch me if I should fall.

When the whole world seems to be falling apart, 
You are right here in my heart.
You promised to be with me to the end,
LORD, you truly are my best friend!



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