

Random Acts Of Kindness


Thank you Jim for this lovely gift *S*


Thank you Wystful =))

Thank you Rose *S*

Thank you Lady Sunshine =))

Thank you Lady Shaishana *S*

Thank you Lynda =))

Thank you Marcia, Butterfly  =))

Thank you BeachComber *S*

Thank you Karin :D

Thank you Andrea *S*

Thank you Angelabrats =))

Thank you Kency *S*

Thank you Angela *S*

Thank you KindHeart *S*

Thank you Shauna *S*

Thank you Janet *S*

Thank you Jim *S*

Thank you Diane =))

I want to Thank You all from the bottom of my heart, for your so kind and wonderful welcomings that you gave me, I also want to thank for those so kind words in my guestbook, you really are able to make one feel welcome when joining this group *S*. At the first page of my RAOK, there is a Thank You graphic that I want you all to have, please feel welcome to upload it to your server and use it at your website if you want. There is no link requered but if you want you can put one to: http://titanix.net/~uniolento/DreamersRaok.htm  . Here at this page I have inserted your website URL at these lovely graphics that you've gifted me with so others can take a look and surf also at your websites *Smiles*

*Much Love*Dreamer*



Music Playing is "Hands To Heaven"

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