Thank You All For Your Kindness***Kiitokset Kaikille Ystavallisyydestanne ;)))  Go also to *NEXT* at this page to *AWARDS 2* <<--Menkaa *NEXT* taalta ;)))



~~Me Ke Aloha~~Mahalo~~



*My Very First Award* ;)))

I Reviewed your page & it's a beautiful addition to the world wibe webb !

Blessed Be !


*Dragonhazel Designs*

Thank you Sasha for your appreciation and thank you that you considerate my

Website worth your Award *Smile*

I Loved your website too and I hope my visitors will make an effort and  go there to visit

and find all what I did ,your talent and the beauty of everythingyou've done there ;)))

*Huggies Dreamcreature*


Jamie Bulger Awards

Everybody of us for sure remember Jamie, the two years old baby who has such a terrible faith in England 1993. He was with his mother at a shoppingcenter in Bootle, Merseyside ! His mother turn her back for a few minutes and meanwhile two 10 yo boys , Thomson and Venables they led him away and they tortured and and kill this little baby leaving him on the railway line, hoping that a train would come and finished the horrend job, that they could cover up the murder !! Little Jamie is now a beautiful little Angel in Gods mighty hands and some day the loved ones will reenjoy their little boy !

Jokainen meistä varmasti muistaa tuon kamalan tapahtuman vuonna 1993 Englannissa kun kaksi 10 v poikaa houkutteli ostoskeskuksessa pienen kaksi vuotiaan Jamesin mukaansa kun hänen äitinsä vain hetkeksi käänsi selkänsä.. Houkuttelivat vauvan mukaansa rautatien varteen kidutti Jamietä siellä ja lopulta murhasivat hänet ! Ne jätti hänet rautatiekiskolle toivoen että juna tulisi ja peittäisi heidän jälkensä. Nämä kaksi poikaa olivat Thomson ja Venables ja he ovat tänään 18-vuotiaita ja vapaalla ! Pikkuinen Jamie on tänään Pieni Enkeli taivasvaltakunnassa ja on Herran hellässä huomassa ja jonain päivänä hänen rakkaat pääsevät jälleen hänen luokse jolloin saavat olla taasen yhdessä !

The Site Fights Blooming Baskets
Send a Blooming Basket!

Send a blooming basket

Thank you Kathleen Shannon for your Awards, you told me I deserve them =))

They are beautiful Awards and I'm proud to expose them at my site and

I'm happy that you are a friend, and I'm happy if I can do something to help !

My heart cryed with you all when this happend to Jamie, I was shocked as everybody

in the whole world, missbeliving that it could happened..

*Very Bigg Warm Hugg's to You All Smile*

*With Friendly Love Sirpa*

Awards I have Received from Friend in RAOK and outside! It'sfrom  a Wonderfull OnLine group called RAOK




Thank You My Friends I am Honored that you thought I Deserve these *Smiles*Love You & Hugges*

**The Tover Keeper**

Last Update: 28.10.2003

This so beautiful music is "Bach"wv1060c Conserto