My Music 4 Download ~*~ Minun Tallennettavat Biisit

These are some of my favorite songs I sing at the Karaoke that can be dowloaded.

Not a single song of these can be used for any more purpose that your personal pleasure without my expressed written permission what goes within a Copyright Law !
Yhtäkään laulua näistä ei saa käyttää ilman minun henk.kohtaista alle-kirjoitettua lupaa mihinkään muuhun tarkoitukseen kuin omaan nautinnolliseen kuunteluun! Nämä ovat tekijäoikeuslain suojaamia!

Copyright© 2003 Sirpa Bister

All songs are: Copyright © 2002 - Dreamcreature

My songs, mp3
File Size
File Description For u'r pleasure
A Bird
1,15 MB
A child who find a lill bird fallen from his nest and she adopt him. Hope you enjoy it! Bare with my voice lol. Dreamer ;))
On u'r own risk
1,54 MB
Africa and Mombaza, white beach and Harmony..
It was sang by
U'r II:nd risk
The Savanne Falls Asleep
1,36 MB
This is also an Africaminded song, about the Lions
It was sang by
U must love me
1,51 MB
Andre, very Frances, Lovestory, memories.
It was sang by....Surprise!
It's gettin'worse
1,25 MB
Seine, the River that floats thruu Paris, Two lovers and wine under the bridge
It was sang by
U adore me lol
Tahdon Sinut
1,05 MB
I want you, very hm streight words.
It was sang by....Surprise!
Still worse, lol
3,01 MB
Come Closer, a lovesong
It was sang by
U love me, sure ;))

Hope you Enjoy *S*

Toivottavasti Pidat kuulemastasi

Remember, I am Not a Pro

Muista, etten ole ammattilainen



Laulut Kun Kuolevat
3,89 MB
When The Songs Die, My absolute Favorite in all times

Uni ;))

On u'r own risk
Nain Alkaa Rakkaus
2,87 MB
Like This Begins Love
It was sang by
U'r II:nd risk
Ole Paivalla Paisteena Auringon
4,44 MB
Be A Sunshine At Daytime
It was sang by
U must love me
Penkki, Puu Ja Puistotie
3,48 MB
Bench, A Tree and A Path In A Park
It was sang by....Surprise!
It's gettin'worse
Rannalla Tuulee
4,51 MB
Windy Shore A Tango *S*
It was sang by
U adore me lol
Sydan Tango
3,49 MB
Another Tango, Heart Tango or The Tango Of A Heart!
It was sang by....Surprise!
Still worse, lol
0,00 MB

Songs performed by Choir Kataja
U love me, sure ;))

Copyright © 2002 - Sirpa Bister aka Uniolento aka DreamerDreamcreature
All Rights Reserved

Webmaster: Dreamcreature -  Server and the Owner of it "Riku"